assisted living
assisted living
assisted living
assisted living housing

Elder Care Locators We find the best senior living options in Dallas Fort Worth area at no cost to you!

assisted living facilities assisted living facilities
Assisted Living Facilities

Residential Care Homes

Alzheimer's & Memory Care

Independent Living

In Home Care

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assisted living facilities

Jo Tipton Realty Our original focus in Real Estate is residential, apartments and even mortgage.

After recent experience with our parents and assisted living, we thought our knowledge and experiences could save others time & frustrations finding assisted living and care.

We are local assisted living advisors giving free, expert, advice on 100's of Dallas Fort Worth senior living and care facilities. With no obligation or fee's for anyone.

Thanks to our facility partners we provide advice, tools and referrals free to the families. You are under enough stress, let us do the legwork for you and find the best options for your loved ones care needs, budget and location.

assisted living
assisted living
assisted living assisted living assisted living assisted living

Assisted Living HousingAlzheimer's & Dementia Care
Independent Living - Nursing Homes - Residential Care Homes

Free, Local and Personal Assisted Living
Referral Service for Families in Dallas Fort Worth


Jo Tipton  

Jo Tipton

We would consider it an honor to help you find the perfect place for your loved one! Our mission is to help those in need and their loved ones while going through this learning curve.


Our Personal Case Studies:

Our story is much like many others. My mother-in-law started having problems with Dementia. Mom, was only 63 years old. Until this point, she was walking five miles a day, active in church and loved being with her friends (we should all have friends like my mom's) We lived in a different city and depended on input from those that knew her. Friends noticed she was getting lost on trips she made weekly. She would say people were visiting her and other delusions that were sometimes scary to her. She denied everything of course and was stubborn in accepting help. After several incidents it became clear we needed to take action for her safety and our peace of mind. We decided to move Mom closer to us. and moved her into a independent living facility thinking this was a good start to keeping her safe and happy.

This is where our learning curve began. Fast forward one year - other problems developed quickly, she started hallucinating more and losing her balance. We were lost, overwhelmed, and truly had no idea what was happening or what to do next. Mom, was eventually diagnosed correctly with Lewey Body, a disease that presents worst parts of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s together.

The assisted living facility she was moved to only few months later was great and offered the intensive care she needed. Fortunately the facility had two floors. First floor was for those that needed day-to-day assistance and the second floor was for “memory care”. The first floor was not enough for her in less than a five months she was moved to memory care floor. We watched someone that was full of life slip away and it was heart breaking.

My Parents - Dad lived in another town and was also misdiagnosed with Parkinson's disease. To make sure he was given the proper care, we got a second opinion. The doctor in Dallas told us he has PSP which is a form of palsy. Soon thereafter, we moved Mom and Dad to Dallas. Their first move was to an apartment facility for less than two months. This was a mistake, but a needed one to prove to everyone where we needed to be (Dad fell twice).The next move was to an assisted living facility which only lasted a few months and his care required us to move again. This is when we discovered residential care homes. Mom and Dad (and their Chihuahua Sandy) got the all the care needed and we could sleep at night.

assisted living
assisted living

Assisted Living HousingAlzheimer's & Dementia Care
Independent Living - Nursing Homes - Residential Care Homes
assisted living
assisted living

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