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Don't spend hours calling assisted living properties explaining your situation to every marketing person hoping to find a place that matches your price range, location, and the levels of care needed.

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Our local DFW Advisors will consult with you via telephone or e-mail to assess your loved ones needs to correctly match facilities, cost, location and their availabilities.

Use our Assessment Form to help gather info for your assisted living needs.

Fortunately, we have many assisted living homes and facilities in DFW. They look after its residents with the utmost thoughtfulness, care and concern, providing you peace of mind and quality time with your loved one.


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Step 1:

Our Advisors will consult with you via telephone or e-mail to assess your loved ones needs. Or you can use our assessment form to help gather info to correctly match with facilities and their availabilities.

Step 2:

We make recommendations based on budget, time-frame, location and level of care. These factors can change on a daily basis. Our hands on knowledge of the market allows us to connect you with the appropriate options.

Step 3:

On your behalf, we call the facilities and schedule your visits to only those that match your criteria. We schedule your tour with the facilities and confirm availability, budget, and levels of care that match your unique criteria are provided to make the most of your time

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Independent Living

As we age, many of us are faced with the prospect of revising our living arrangements. While thinking about moving can be a source of anxiety and stress, planning ahead can give you more choices for the future, making a big difference in your level of independence and quality of life. If home upkeep and maintenance has become overwhelming, if you’re starting to need help with some services, or if you’re simply looking for a facility with more transportation access and opportunities to socialize, an independent living facility may be a good option. To decide if it’s right for you, learn about your choices in independent living, including common types, and find help in choosing a residence.

Independent living is simply any housing arrangement designed exclusively for seniors, generally those aged 55 and over. Housing varies widely, from apartment-style living to freestanding homes. In general, the housing is friendlier to older adults, often being more compact, with easier navigation and assistance in yard maintenance if there is a yard. You may also hear the terms retirement facilities, retirement homes, senior housing and senior apartments applied to independent living.

Differences between Independent Living
and other Senior Housing Options

Independent Living and Senior Housing Independent living is just one choice from a variety of senior housing options. The key difference between independent living and other housing options is overall health and assistance in daily living activities. Just as with regular housing, you can hire in-home help to assist. However, if you or a loved one requires round-the-clock help with eating, dressing, and using the toilet, or requires regular medical assistance, other housing options such as assisted living or nursing homes may be a better fit. To learn more about the range of senior housing options, visit Choosing Senior Housing and Residential Care

Types of independent living facilities

There are many types of independent living facilities, from apartment complexes to separate houses. They come in a range of costs, including subsidized housing for low income older adults. Continuing care retirement facilities provide independent living as well as other housing with more services at the same facility. Senior apartments. Senior apartments are apartment complexes restricted by age, usually 55+. Rent may include facility services such as recreational programs, transportation services, and meals served in a communal dining room. Independent facilities. Independent facilities are groups of housing units for those aged 55+. These housing units can be single family homes, duplexes, mobile homes, or townhouses or condominiums. If you decide to buy a unit, additional monthly fees may cover services such as outside maintenance, recreation centers, or clubhouses. Continuing care retirement facilities. Continuing care retirement facilities offer service and housing packages that allow access to independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities in one facility. If residents begin to need help with activities of daily living, they can transfer to an assisted living or skilled nursing facility on the same site. Is independent living the right choice for me or a loved one? Thinking about giving up the familiar for a new living arrangement is a big decision.

Here are some considerations to assist you in the process. Start by considering emotional roadblocks. You may be excited to plan this new phase of your life. However, it can also be difficult emotionally to consider a move. You may be reluctant to leave a home filled with memories, even if the home is difficult to maintain or just feels too big. It may be getting harder and harder to get out and meet up with friends, but it may feel easier to just accept that as part of getting older. Realize that some anxiety and stress is normal in considering such a big decision. The more information you have, the better your power to make informed choices about the future. If the anxiety feels too overwhelming, reach out for help. Ease of keeping up your current home Maintaining a home may be a longstanding source of pride for you, but it can also become a burden as you age. Perhaps your home has a large yard which requires constant maintenance, or maybe it’s becoming more and more difficult to clean those extra rooms that are rarely used now your children are gone. If your home is difficult to access, such as on a steep hill or up stairs, it may be harder and harder for you to leave your home as often you’d like, leading to more isolation. Sometimes these challenges can be partially remedied by hiring outside help, remodeling parts of your home, or other family members lending assistance . However, it’s worthwhile to take a look at your current living situation and see if an alternate may give you more freedom and flexibility in the long run.

Can I get enough help to stay in my home?

Home Care Services for Seniors

Understanding the options available to stay at home can help you make the best housing choice. There are many services available, from meals on wheels to home care aides. To learn more, ask one of our Advisors.


Transportation is a key issue. You may live in an area where you must drive to attend social activities, visit friends, and shop. If you find yourself less comfortable with driving, you may find yourself relying more and more on family and friends to get out and about. It may be harder and harder to visit others, go to activities you enjoy, or keep doctors’ appointments. Independent living usually offers opportunities to socialize on site with peers and may offer some transportation options to outside activities.


Are you finding it harder and harder to connect with others? Maybe you have a difficult time getting out of the house, perhaps due to trouble driving or increased mobility issues. Neighbors may be busy with other work and family commitments, or the neighborhood may not be easy to get around. While the phone and computer can help, you need human connection as well. The more isolated you are, the greater your risk for depression and other mental health problems. Independent living facilities can give you a built-in social network of peers, while some even provide structured activities such as a recreation center, clubhouse, or field trips. The health of you or your spouse Take a look at your current state of health. While no one can predict the future with certainty, if you have a health condition that makes it difficult to stay active and will most likely worsen with time, it’s good to consider your options carefully. It’s also important to consider the health of your spouse if you are married. Are you already helping your spouse with daily activities? If you are shouldering a significant amount of care already, moving to an facility where some of the burden can be lifted can help both of you stay independent longer.

Where would you be most comfortable?

It’s all about the people. No matter what type of independent living facility you consider, you want to make sure you connect with peers and feel comfortable in the facility. When you visit the area, talk with some of the residents. Are they people you’d like to know better? Are some of your favorite hobbies or activities available? Are support services timely, with staff friendly and accessible?

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